

Congratulations to Hyundai Engineering Co., Completes Long Son Utility Plant in Vietnam

By Tung Pham . December 12, 2022 | News

We are proud of the contribution of successful completion with HEC in Package G the Long Son Utility Plant Project in Vietnam. We are the main sub-contractor for Insulation & Fire-proofing for HEC.

This was a project constructing the facilities required to run the petrochemical complex in Long Son, Vietnam, such as boilers to produce steam and industrial water, water treatment facility, and substations, etc. Steam and industrial water produced from this plant are the essential elements in running the Long Son petrochemical complex. HEC quickly assigned people to the project from its early stages and established project strategy using 3D modeling. Other than that, the project was shortened the construction by three months, closely cooperating with LSP.

Initially, the project was scheduled to be completed in February 2023, but construction was three months ahead of schedule.

The representative of Hyundai Engineering said: “The early completion of the Long Son refinery and petrochemical plant is a great achievement achieved by mobilizing all our project execution capabilities. With the successful completion of this project, we already dominate the Southeast Asian factory market, including Vietnam, which plans to further accelerate the acceptance of more orders.”



Our Management have been invited to join the handover ceremony

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